Cooler | 2015-08-21 14:06:19 |
We have released a new version - 1.34. It introduces some balance changes (listed below). You don't need to download and install a patch - just enter the online league, that's it! :) Estarh | 2015-08-21 14:08:16 |
Water: Merfolk Overlord, +1 hp
Earth: Giant Spider, +2 hp
Control: Ancient Giant, -1 attack
Mechanics: Steam Tank: -2 hp
Demons: Three-headed demon: -3 hp
Beasts: Magic Hamster: -1 hp Wolverine: +2 hp Energy beast: +1 hp Death Falcon: +1 hp White Elephant: -2 hp
Goblins: Goblin Hero: -1 hp Goblin Raider: +2 hp Ratmaster: +5 hp
Mad Hermit: Enraged Beaver: -1 attack
Time: Timeblazer: -1 hp Chrono Engine: -1 attack Time Dragon: -2 hp
Vampires: Justicar: +1 hp Vampire Elder: -1 hp Magister of Blood: -2 hp
Cult: Reaver: +1 hp
Golem: Golem Instructor: -2 hp Dark Sculptor: -1 attack
i'm really looking forward to some stats from this version in 3 months or so 
Modified by filip on 2015-08-21 17:23:22
Cool Job Modified by SoAid on 2015-08-22 05:47:35 CyberneticPony | 2015-08-24 22:23:00 |
Feel like the most impactful changes were Magic Hamster and Giant Spider; cannot wait to see how these play out now!
GoroRules | 2015-08-26 13:00:09 | that it is still updated.
ShadowofMordor | 2015-08-27 10:36:13 |
Hmmm...just guessing, not sure these changes would have particular impact. Anyway nice to see some changes. I don't see why Dark sculptor needs a -1 attack for example. Hp adjustaments are just very minor differences (unless Vampire Elder would have got -2), maybe Demonologist now has some more healing now :) But I like Ratmaster is bigger now, the only change I like personally. mm75
CyberneticPony | 2015-08-27 10:50:39 |
Hmmm...just guessing, not sure these changes would have particular impact. Anyway nice to see some changes. I don't see why Dark sculptor needs a -1 attack for example. Hp adjustaments are just very minor differences (unless Vampire Elder would have got -2), maybe Demonologist now has some more healing now :) But I like Ratmaster is bigger now, the only change I like personally. mm75
These minor changes will actually matter very often in specific situations. benlessard | 2015-08-30 19:39:59 |
D5 is no longer limited to 32 with F12 or A1.
It seems that it was 32 max before the patch.
benlessard | 2015-08-30 19:43:53 |
Magic Hamster going 10 to 9 will change a lot of things imo.
D5 is no longer limited to 32 with F12 or A1.
It seems that it was 32 max before the patch.
nope. 32 was max before bonuses applied, same now (i guess)
Modified by filip on 2015-08-30 19:51:13 Wavelength | 2015-08-30 21:10:56 |
D5 is no longer limited to 32 with F12 or A1.
It seems that it was 32 max before the patch. ...
nope. 32 was max before bonuses applied, same now (i guess)
Filip is correct. fuzzer | 2015-08-30 21:56:57 |
D5 is no longer limited to 32 with F12 or A1.
It seems that it was 32 max before the patch. ...
nope. 32 was max before bonuses applied, same now (i guess)
... ... Filip is correct.
Wavelength is correct. CyberneticPony | 2015-08-30 22:38:46 |
Wavelength is correct.
Fuzzer is correct.
srbhkshk | 2015-08-30 22:54:15 |
I like the changes made to Vampire-7 and Demon-7, they were both too powerful, although i think Vampire-7 needs more nerf but its a good start anyway.
Also, ... Fuzzer is correct.
CyberneticPony is correct.
Modified by srbhkshk on 2015-08-30 22:54:32 soldat12 | 2015-09-01 19:47:53 |
2hp buff worked quite well on goblins..
CyberneticPony | 2015-09-01 21:19:03 |
2hp buff worked quite well on goblins.. Indeed; I was laughing at how a new player told me "these 1-2 HP changes really make no difference". They are extremely wrong! Modified by CyberneticPony on 2015-09-01 21:32:53 mamoulian | 2015-09-02 06:29:12 |
2hp buff worked quite well on goblins.. I want to play dragon + spirit6 too hard, should have choose the Sp4 and inferno much earlier. GG ShadowofMordor | 2015-09-02 15:25:15 |
... ... They are extremely wrong!
I'd underline extremely :) :) :) LOL mm75
srbhkshk | 2015-09-02 17:27:31 |
... I want to play dragon + spirit6 too hard,
We all do. 
Modified by srbhkshk on 2015-09-02 17:28:18 |